
The Golden Chain

We have all experienced at various times in our life what can be called peak experiences, times of brief transcendental quality that flows through us making us feel truly alive. They may last for a while, or sometimes they are very fleeting. Sometimes these moments occur after going through something difficult and reaching the end you experience a sense of euphoria, while other times you may capture upon such a moment unexpectedly, and a moment of clarity and cool energy runs through you like the sound of the wind moving through a group of large tree branches.  Or perhaps it is a clear thought during a moment of morning solitude, a sensation while driving home, or something felt at a party. 

It’s moments like this when life is the most real, and even if it only lasts for seconds, we feel a reverberation that lingers inside for a duration of time.  They leave an impression within us and they remain etched in our memories, carried about in the secret lakes of our soul from year to year. 

We may soon be unable to recollect the exact moment when these feelings came to us, but they are in us as feelings that our hearts reference them without our knowing.  They link together like a golden chain forming bonds of meaning that we go back to, and such experiences add colors and shades to our personalities and our subtle experiences of the world. Like echoes they bounce and shimmer through our sleeping dream and inform the trajectory of spirit. They are the high points of our life story and link together like a golden chain.

It’s useful to think back over our life and recall the links that form our own golden chain and think of how it may have shaped the way we think about things today. Perhaps in doing so, we can learn something valuable about ourselves.


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